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Marty McColgan Web Design & Graphic Design Articles Northern Ireland
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Book Lover Wedding Invitations | Books Themed Wedding Invitations | Book Cover Wedding Invitations

Lots of people like to do something different with their wedding stationery whether it be classical, funky, retro, ultra modern, whatever, there is lots of ideas. One very popular theme for Wedding Invitations is to use the theme of Classical Book Covers and especially book themed wedding invitations. These are very popular with book lover weddings and book geek weddings I have received many, many enquiries from book loving couples requesting their wedding invitations to be designed with this classical book covers design and book cover themes, and for good reason because as you can see below they just look amazing!! To see more of these invitations visit the wedding invitations page and for more info or a quote for these book cover style wedding invitations, save the date cards and more please click here to get in touch.  

Wedding Seating Plans

Wedding table seating plans - There are many sensitive factors to take into consideration when choosing how to arrange your wedding seating plan. Though your spouse is very dear to you, it cannot be expected that every one of your spouse’s friends and family will get along with each other, and with your own friends and family. This can make things a bit complicated when it comes to making decisions regarding your wedding seating plan. festival poster wedding seating plans It is important to take into consideration the relationships between all of the wedding guests, in order to make sure the entire ceremony and reception goes off without a hitch. Sometimes it may be necessary to consult other family members, friends or members of your wedding party when making these decisions, but one should be careful. You never know who would like to stir up drama just to make things interesting or steal the spotlight from you on your big day. Only the closest and most trusted family members and friends should be consulted about such matters. themed wedding table plans The traditional way to seat guests during a ceremony is quite simple, and typically recommended for even an unconventional wedding. The bride’s friends and family are seated to one side of the church or venue, and the groom’s are seated on the other. The closest family and perhaps a few very close family friends who are not a part of the wedding party (meaning best man, maid of honour, as well as the bridesmaids, and the groomsmen) are typically seated in the very front of the church, so they can have the best view of their beloved family or friend’s

Book Themed Bat Mitzvah / Bar Mitzvah Invitations

A Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah is a very significant step forward in the life of a young teenager. Many families look forward to planning fun parties to celebrate this extremely special and important occasion. The party is almost always an exciting and exhilarating event that people who are friends and family of the youngster look forward to attending. It is a wonderful way to celebrate the big day and because a lot of study and effort goes into the Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah on the child’s end, it is a great way to reward them for all of their work. A very important factor in planning the Bat or Bar Mitzvah is determining the theme and the invitations. Of course, the theme should be relevant and fun. The Bat Mitzvah invitations or  Bar Mitzvah invitations should mirror the theme so that guests know what the theme is in advance. Aside from giving the details of the event, the invitations should be fun and exciting. It is important that the theme be something the honouree is very passionate about. This is an important event in the honouree’s life and will be remembered for a very long time. One possible theme that would be different and interesting is a book cover theme for the Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah Invites. There is a plentiful amount of popular young adult literature these days. Kids read a number of popular series, many of which have been turned into movies. A book cover theme would encourage young adults to embrace their passion for a past time that is generally not regarded as important. There are clever ways to incorporate these books and the book covers into the theme of the Bat or

How to get good a Website Ranking for Google Penguin

Google Penguin is the most recent update to the Google Search algorithm, and it was made in an attempt to crack down on websites that use illegal means to beef up their page ranking. Many people deliberately manipulate search engine indexes in order to generate more hits to a non-legitimate website. These websites may look like your average, reliable website, but upon closer inspection you can usually tell which websites are fraught with spam. The content is often poorly written, everything you click on links to something else, and pop up ads are often abundant. What is Google Penguin? Google Penguin was released on April 24, 2012 as an update to the last algorithm released in February 2011, called Navneet Panda. Penguin's algorithm determines if a website uses these faulty page-ranking methods, and down-ranks them. If you are looking to maintain a high page ranking with Google Penguin, you can start by avoiding any of these tactics at all costs. These so-called 'black hat' search engine optimisation techniques will bring down one's page ranking. They are so notorious because they illegitimately manipulate the searching process in order to promote their website, however lacking it may be in relevant content. There are many popular fraudulent link schemes that one would have to avoid participating in in order to maintain a high page ranking in the era of Google Penguin. Since page ranking is partially determined by the amount of reputable webpages the site was linked to, people would exploit that quality in order to have a high page ranking. They would needlessly link to unrelated websites in the hopes that their website would become highly ranked. Sometimes, a group of webpages would support each other, which

How to avoid Website Duplicate Content

How to avoid website duplicate content is a typical question on the minds of website operators. Is imperative to preserve the uniqueness of our content to appeal readers and search engines alike. But this is no easy task. Tools like Copyscape go only so far in preventing duplicate content. Actually, most of the off-the-shelf tools don't check reviews or content that has been spun by bots. Protecting your site of duplicate content is very hard. Spammers have tons of servers, software, bots, and usually hire smart people or are very smart themselves. And the task of protecting ourselves from these kind of content is upon of because having duplicate content can hurt our search engine rankings, increase hosting and bandwidth costs and get you banned by several search engines and portals. You could also be sued in some countries due to copyright infringement. The following list can help you protect your website and avoid Website Duplicate Content. Join Copyscape. This is the best service to identify flagrantly copied content. Copyscape is a web-based system that checks the web for duplicate content in exchange for a nominal monthly fee. This is the preferred service of professional website operators and designers the world over. Install Akismet. This is a Wordpress plugin that can protect your site from spammers and copiers. Spammers usually copy content from other sites and then post this content as comments with links to their websites. Since Google cannot understand the content of these comments it simply assumes that someone commented favourably and referred the website or service of the spammer. Akismet helps you filter out spam and keep you site clean of duplicate comments. Hire a content or social media manager. This person can

Unique Wedding Invitation Design

When that magical question that most girls have dreamed about their entire lives is asked, that is when the hard work of wedding preparations begin. Using a unique wedding invitation design can add some extra sparkle to the big day as well as give the guests a sneak peek of what is to come. Just adding a few individual touches can change an every day invitation into your very own, never before seen request that both, your significant other and yourself, can be proud of. You could add pictures or artwork that means something to the relationship. Choosing a colour that is not commonly used for the background of wedding invitations also, can add individuality to your invites. If you want to take it a step further, hand made requests or even just coming up with your own way to ask the question, will you come to our wedding, will, most certainly, allow the possible guests to see that the nuptials that they could be attending are being held by a couple that takes pride in themselves and the things that make them different from every one else. What makes a wedding invitation unique? Adding an original piece of artwork or photograph to the wedding invitation design is an easy way to make yours different than any other request that has been sent out before. Photographs of the, soon to be, wedded couple always will take the every day, run of the mill invitation and change it to a unique arrangement that the invitees will not be expecting. If you know an artist that could design for you an original illustration that captures the essence of your relationship, adding their creation to the invitation will

What is Google Panda and Google Penguin?

What is PageRank? PageRank, the algorithm used by the Google Search Engine that ranks every document in a hyperlinked set, essentially determines the top results of a Google search by calculating the probability that a user randomly selecting a page would end up on each individual page. In other words, the websites that appropriately matched the keywords of the search, that also have the most references on other parts of the web, end up higher in the list of results. Google's system, while extremely effective, and widely seen as the best search engine algorithm, however, is not perfect, and undergoes numerous modifications and changes in order to improve its performance. It is not uncommon for Google to make 50 small changes to its search algorithm in single month. Most of these changes are miniscule, however, and have no real impact on the majority of searches. They do, however, release a "major" update several times a year. What is Google Panda? Google Panda is the code name for one such modification to the Google PageRank algorithm. Panda, specifically, was first released in February 2011. The purpose of the Google Panda project was to lower the ratings of irrelevant or lower quality sites. Since the ranking was originally determined mostly by a site's popularity, many of the top results in Google searches were undesirable websites. After the implementation of Google Panda, there was a noticeable increase in the number of news websites and social media websites in the top results. At the same time, sites plagued with enormous amounts of advertisement that was accompanied with little or no content were moved very far down in the ratings. Panda was revised several times after its release to tune

Benefits of having a WordPress based Website

What are the benefits of a WordPress Website? WordPress is really more than just a simple blogging tool. It can be just that, and it’s great for that, but you can run a large and very effective website off of WordPress alone. It is perfect for any level of need, whether you have a website already or have barely spent much time even on the internet. You can have a free site all contained online, or download their program and have your own web domain for a very good price, all still easy enough to use that you could master it in a weekend. How do I get a WordPress site? You can have a free WordPress site without downloading anything in about a minute. It doesn’t get any easier than that; however, this method gives you less options for customising the look of your website. When you download the software you can edit themes or even use WordPress code directly. It’s entirely up to you which way you go. If you already have a site with Moveable Type, Textpattern, Greymatter, Blogger, or B2, you can simply upload it. Even when you choose to download the application, you can have it in five minutes. Either way, launching your own site can be as simple as downloading or registering, picking a theme, typing up a static about or home page, and hitting the “Publish” button. While there is no need to hire a web designer to set it up their expertise can help when it comes to populating and customising the design of the website, and also a  professional website designer will have more knowledge of the WordPress code which when optimised can make huge differences

Using Facebook to Promote your Website and Business

Using Facebook as a means of promoting your Website Content & Business Facebook is a very popular, if not the most popular social networking website in the world today. This makes it a great avenue for promoting websites and generating traffic to them. Many people check their Facebook accounts several times a day and use this social network as one of their main sources of current information. Anything showing up on their news feeds has the potential to catch their eye and pique their curiosity. If they see that one of their friends has shared something interesting from another website, they are very likely to check it out themselves, and maybe even share it again with their friends. As more and more people share information from a website, more and more traffic is generated. In reality, using Facebook as a means of promoting your website content has never been easier. There are many great websites out there and it is easier than it ever has been for anyone to set up their own website without much hassle or work at all. The most creative ideas and unique content are generally the most appealing to the general public; however it is impossible for people to find every website out there by chance. Promoting a website is ultimately a great deal more important than designing one. Websites are only successful if they have traffic and people who keep coming back to read new content, browse and buy products, or participate in any other activities offered by the site. If no one visits a website, updating it is pointless, and it slowly dies. It is up to the site creator and web designer to keep it going and

Music Festival Themed Wedding Stationery

Festival Themed Wedding Stationery - Taking Inspiration from Music Festivals for your Wedding Stationery The choice of wedding stationery affects more in your wedding than you might think. Sure, you know about the all-important wedding invitations. But what about save the date cards, thank you cards, place cards, menus and wedding seating plans? These things may not come to mind at first, but they are still important and necessary. All of these are involved in your selection of wedding stationery, too. And in order to make everything seem cohesive, you need one main source of inspiration. But don't worry! There are many sources of inspiration, depending on your tastes, because wedding stationery should reflect your personality. You may not have considered it, but surprisingly, music festivals are a fantastic source! Taking inspiration from music festivals for your wedding stationery is a great idea, especially for a creative, musically inclined couple. Music Festival Themed Wedding Stationery Wedfest Festival Theme Wedding Stationery First, music festivals are a great source of inspiration if you and your significant other love music. Do you go to concerts more than you go out to dinner? Do you own more records than you own clothes? Are you more worried about your wedding's setlist than its guest list? If so, then music festivals are probably a wonderful source of inspiration for your celebration! Or maybe you met your betrothed at a music festival. There is a wonderful sense of community and fun at festivals, and this often brings people together, allowing them to lose inhibitions. At festivals, you are able to meet people who live half a world away – and maybe this is what brought the two of you together, and created the