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Link Building Services

What is Google Panda and Google Penguin?

What is PageRank? PageRank, the algorithm used by the Google Search Engine that ranks every document in a hyperlinked set, essentially determines the top results of a Google search by calculating the probability that a user randomly selecting a page would end up on each individual page. In other words, the websites that appropriately matched the keywords of the search, that also have the most references on other parts of the web, end up higher in the list of results. Google's system, while extremely effective, and widely seen as the best search engine algorithm, however, is not perfect, and undergoes numerous modifications and changes in order to improve its performance. It is not uncommon for Google to make 50 small changes to its search algorithm in single month. Most of these changes are miniscule, however, and have no real impact on the majority of searches. They do, however, release a "major" update several times a year. What is Google Panda? Google Panda is the code name for one such modification to the Google PageRank algorithm. Panda, specifically, was first released in February 2011. The purpose of the Google Panda project was to lower the ratings of irrelevant or lower quality sites. Since the ranking was originally determined mostly by a site's popularity, many of the top results in Google searches were undesirable websites. After the implementation of Google Panda, there was a noticeable increase in the number of news websites and social media websites in the top results. At the same time, sites plagued with enormous amounts of advertisement that was accompanied with little or no content were moved very far down in the ratings. Panda was revised several times after its release to tune

Using Facebook to Promote your Website and Business

Using Facebook as a means of promoting your Website Content & Business Facebook is a very popular, if not the most popular social networking website in the world today. This makes it a great avenue for promoting websites and generating traffic to them. Many people check their Facebook accounts several times a day and use this social network as one of their main sources of current information. Anything showing up on their news feeds has the potential to catch their eye and pique their curiosity. If they see that one of their friends has shared something interesting from another website, they are very likely to check it out themselves, and maybe even share it again with their friends. As more and more people share information from a website, more and more traffic is generated. In reality, using Facebook as a means of promoting your website content has never been easier. There are many great websites out there and it is easier than it ever has been for anyone to set up their own website without much hassle or work at all. The most creative ideas and unique content are generally the most appealing to the general public; however it is impossible for people to find every website out there by chance. Promoting a website is ultimately a great deal more important than designing one. Websites are only successful if they have traffic and people who keep coming back to read new content, browse and buy products, or participate in any other activities offered by the site. If no one visits a website, updating it is pointless, and it slowly dies. It is up to the site creator and web designer to keep it going and

The basics of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

What is Search engine optimisation (SEO)? Search engine optimisation (SEO) allows an organisation to increase the visibility of their website by ensuring that more keywords will produce a search result that includes the company website, whether it is the homepage or a specific webpage within the domain. Optimisation can also occur when the organisation gains a better understanding of how the target audience chooses a search engine and what keywords they use to complete the search. This information can then be used to target the right audience by choosing the applicable search engines and keywords. Search engine optimisation is an important revenue-generating tool or organisations, especially small businesses. SEO provides free additional marketing for the organisation! This is an important step in today’s society, where information becomes popular because of “going viral” on the internet. How does SEO work? SEOs are based on algorithms that are developed by the respective search engine; for example, Google, Yahoo, and Bing are all search engines that use these algorithms. Some search engines use a human-based aspect as well to ensure error-free, all-inclusive results for users and to ensure that the master directory is as accurate as possible. organisations should consult the web developer to discuss all available HTML coding options that can be used to optimise keywords, as well as allowing the site to bypass indexing (if applicable) and reduce the likelihood of crawling in certain instances, concepts that are explained below.   What basic steps should I take to optimise my website for better search engine rankings? Organisations should always take the opportunity to incorporate search engine optimisation into the HTML coding of their website. The benefit is widespread exposure through increased local search engine rankings, which means

What is Link Building? What are the benefits of Link Building?

So you finally have a new website but how do you get people to view it? Sure your site may be on Google but there is a good chance it is not on the top page and thousands of people a day will not even get to see your newly built website. That is where link building comes in handy. So the next logical question is, what is link building and what are the benefits of it for your website? That is an excellent question and it means you are willing to learn and help your business grow. Link building can be a cheap way to start growth from a little hard work. What is Link Building? Link building is an strategy to help the search engine optimisation of your website and is essentially a way of forming incoming links that all lead to your site thus allowing your site to rise on search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Think of it like this, every time you have a link on another website that leads to yours and someone clicks on it, it’s promoting your site! It’s essentially as simple as that. If you write an article that is posted onto a popular news site that then provides the source (your website) many people visiting will then click on that link and go directly to your site! The more ways you can think to get linked the better off you and your site will be. How does Link building work? You may be asking yourself the next logical question, how do you get listed on these sites to allow this link building process to occur? The cheapest and simplest way is to start to

How to Rank High on Google

How to Rank High on Google - SEO Services Belfast, Derry, Northern Ireland There are many things that determines the position of a site on search engine, such factors determines how to rank highly on Google. Speed, appearance, and ease to search are some of the important features though they are not the only ones. The higher the ranking, the closer a page is to the top search result. A good site should be easily accessible to the general public, this helps people access the information they want easily without wasting much time. This can be achieved easily by increasing its visibility in the search engine. Some of the most important key factors to consider include; Website Title / Page Title The title of the site or page is an important parameter to consider, this is because the search engine will always look at the title of any page first as titles gives an overview of the actual content of a page. It is therefore important to make sure it contains the keywords most people are likely to search for and whenever they try to look for that information, the site will always appear. Website Keywords Another thing to be considered is the keywords, these are words that acts as a clue or hint about the information contained in a page. The keyword density should be very high as the search engine will always look at the density of such words during ranking of various pages containing similar information and the higher the density, the better the ranking and vice versa. They should not only appear on the title but also on the body of the page. Good Website Design An attractive site also acts

Search Engine Optimisation – SEO Services Derry

SEO Services Derry - Website Search Engine Optimisation Points One Should Know About Website SEO Services Online business owners must be aware of the fact that increased website traffic means an upsurge in the profit margin of the business. Therefore, there must be mechanisms put in place to attract traffic to the site at all times. A number of avenues on how to achieve this exist. One of them is through the use of website SEO services. In its attempt to clarify what this is all about, the information below elucidates on different types or tricks of website SEO services one should know. Keyword and Market Research The first one is the keyword and market research services. The systems allows for an extensive market research services capable of boosting the sales. Since the keywords are coined to suit a specific segment of the market, it allows for easy and quick search making the site more efficient. Link Building Services The other type is the link building services. It is vital to understand that without a well established link, the site cannot run properly since it is the engine with which the site is run. As you build such links, ensure that they are many enough to cater for your growing population of clients. It also enables them to access the site very easily and speedily.     Video Marketing Proper video marketing is also one way of getting SEO services Derry. The logic behind it is the scientific prove that audio-visual content is more appealing and tend to attract many people. Channels like You Tube today attract many people. You can create a blog or post your videos there for enhanced viewing by your clients.