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benefits of wordpress

Benefits of having a WordPress based Website

What are the benefits of a WordPress Website? WordPress is really more than just a simple blogging tool. It can be just that, and it’s great for that, but you can run a large and very effective website off of WordPress alone. It is perfect for any level of need, whether you have a website already or have barely spent much time even on the internet. You can have a free site all contained online, or download their program and have your own web domain for a very good price, all still easy enough to use that you could master it in a weekend. How do I get a WordPress site? You can have a free WordPress site without downloading anything in about a minute. It doesn’t get any easier than that; however, this method gives you less options for customising the look of your website. When you download the software you can edit themes or even use WordPress code directly. It’s entirely up to you which way you go. If you already have a site with Moveable Type, Textpattern, Greymatter, Blogger, or B2, you can simply upload it. Even when you choose to download the application, you can have it in five minutes. Either way, launching your own site can be as simple as downloading or registering, picking a theme, typing up a static about or home page, and hitting the “Publish” button. While there is no need to hire a web designer to set it up their expertise can help when it comes to populating and customising the design of the website, and also a  professional website designer will have more knowledge of the WordPress code which when optimised can make huge differences