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google penguin

How to get good a Website Ranking for Google Penguin

Google Penguin is the most recent update to the Google Search algorithm, and it was made in an attempt to crack down on websites that use illegal means to beef up their page ranking. Many people deliberately manipulate search engine indexes in order to generate more hits to a non-legitimate website. These websites may look like your average, reliable website, but upon closer inspection you can usually tell which websites are fraught with spam. The content is often poorly written, everything you click on links to something else, and pop up ads are often abundant. What is Google Penguin? Google Penguin was released on April 24, 2012 as an update to the last algorithm released in February 2011, called Navneet Panda. Penguin's algorithm determines if a website uses these faulty page-ranking methods, and down-ranks them. If you are looking to maintain a high page ranking with Google Penguin, you can start by avoiding any of these tactics at all costs. These so-called 'black hat' search engine optimisation techniques will bring down one's page ranking. They are so notorious because they illegitimately manipulate the searching process in order to promote their website, however lacking it may be in relevant content. There are many popular fraudulent link schemes that one would have to avoid participating in in order to maintain a high page ranking in the era of Google Penguin. Since page ranking is partially determined by the amount of reputable webpages the site was linked to, people would exploit that quality in order to have a high page ranking. They would needlessly link to unrelated websites in the hopes that their website would become highly ranked. Sometimes, a group of webpages would support each other, which

What is Google Panda and Google Penguin?

What is PageRank? PageRank, the algorithm used by the Google Search Engine that ranks every document in a hyperlinked set, essentially determines the top results of a Google search by calculating the probability that a user randomly selecting a page would end up on each individual page. In other words, the websites that appropriately matched the keywords of the search, that also have the most references on other parts of the web, end up higher in the list of results. Google's system, while extremely effective, and widely seen as the best search engine algorithm, however, is not perfect, and undergoes numerous modifications and changes in order to improve its performance. It is not uncommon for Google to make 50 small changes to its search algorithm in single month. Most of these changes are miniscule, however, and have no real impact on the majority of searches. They do, however, release a "major" update several times a year. What is Google Panda? Google Panda is the code name for one such modification to the Google PageRank algorithm. Panda, specifically, was first released in February 2011. The purpose of the Google Panda project was to lower the ratings of irrelevant or lower quality sites. Since the ranking was originally determined mostly by a site's popularity, many of the top results in Google searches were undesirable websites. After the implementation of Google Panda, there was a noticeable increase in the number of news websites and social media websites in the top results. At the same time, sites plagued with enormous amounts of advertisement that was accompanied with little or no content were moved very far down in the ratings. Panda was revised several times after its release to tune