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Articles | Marty McColgan Graphic and Web Design - Part 2
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Why your business NEEDS to have its own website

In today's current competitive market, businesses need to stand out and be noticed, in order to retain existing customers and to attract new customers. Social media has emerged as a burgeoning area for marketing and promotion of businesses; in part because it allows for broad exposure, increased frequency of visibility, and the ability to capitalise on interactivity and social engagement, often at little or no expense. However, having a Facebook page to promote your business is not enough; your business NEEDS to have its own website to maximise the effectiveness of advertising, outreach, and promotion. Why do I need a website? While there is a certain ease associated with maintaining a Facebook page for your business, one notable liability of relying solely on social media for advertising and promotion is that Facebook pages do not allow for providing extensive product and service information, conveyed quickly and clearly to potential customers. Without organised, searchable, detailed, accurate, and clear information about the products your business offers, potential customers may be enticed to look elsewhere for the items or services they seek. A website allows for this type of product information dissemination, in a manner that is easy to navigate, simple to use, comprehensive and designed specifically to meet your needs to engage and inform your consumer base. Savvy consumers have a desire for a breadth and depth of product information that is not easily provided or conveyed via social media, but is particularly well suited for communication via a website. Advantages of having a website over a Facebook page Another advantage to maintaining a website for your business relates specifically to dollars and cents or pounds and pennys for some customers, being able to quickly and easily

The basics of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

What is Search engine optimisation (SEO)? Search engine optimisation (SEO) allows an organisation to increase the visibility of their website by ensuring that more keywords will produce a search result that includes the company website, whether it is the homepage or a specific webpage within the domain. Optimisation can also occur when the organisation gains a better understanding of how the target audience chooses a search engine and what keywords they use to complete the search. This information can then be used to target the right audience by choosing the applicable search engines and keywords. Search engine optimisation is an important revenue-generating tool or organisations, especially small businesses. SEO provides free additional marketing for the organisation! This is an important step in today’s society, where information becomes popular because of “going viral” on the internet. How does SEO work? SEOs are based on algorithms that are developed by the respective search engine; for example, Google, Yahoo, and Bing are all search engines that use these algorithms. Some search engines use a human-based aspect as well to ensure error-free, all-inclusive results for users and to ensure that the master directory is as accurate as possible. organisations should consult the web developer to discuss all available HTML coding options that can be used to optimise keywords, as well as allowing the site to bypass indexing (if applicable) and reduce the likelihood of crawling in certain instances, concepts that are explained below.   What basic steps should I take to optimise my website for better search engine rankings? Organisations should always take the opportunity to incorporate search engine optimisation into the HTML coding of their website. The benefit is widespread exposure through increased local search engine rankings, which means

What is Link Building? What are the benefits of Link Building?

So you finally have a new website but how do you get people to view it? Sure your site may be on Google but there is a good chance it is not on the top page and thousands of people a day will not even get to see your newly built website. That is where link building comes in handy. So the next logical question is, what is link building and what are the benefits of it for your website? That is an excellent question and it means you are willing to learn and help your business grow. Link building can be a cheap way to start growth from a little hard work. What is Link Building? Link building is an strategy to help the search engine optimisation of your website and is essentially a way of forming incoming links that all lead to your site thus allowing your site to rise on search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Think of it like this, every time you have a link on another website that leads to yours and someone clicks on it, it’s promoting your site! It’s essentially as simple as that. If you write an article that is posted onto a popular news site that then provides the source (your website) many people visiting will then click on that link and go directly to your site! The more ways you can think to get linked the better off you and your site will be. How does Link building work? You may be asking yourself the next logical question, how do you get listed on these sites to allow this link building process to occur? The cheapest and simplest way is to start to

Web Design Trends | Responsive Web Design

Even five years ago, it seemed enough to have an attractive header and a layout that looked acceptable in all the available desktop browsers. Since then, people’s usage of the web has changed - a lot. As developers spend more time analyzing what keeps people engaged in their content and community, they are discovering that web design is more important than ever - and more complicated. It’s not just to look pretty or professional anymore. Web design needs to be functional. The most obvious web design trends in 2012 are centered around just that. Responsive Web Design Responsive web design is probably the most critical trend that is emerging this year. The emergence of fast, Internet-connected mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones in recent years has provided an untameable number of display sizes and browser types to test designs with. There is no universal design that will work and you simply can’t develop a different design for every possible combination of device properties. Now, using a clever combination of Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript, it is possible to have the design reformat itself to fit whatever browser it’s in. Usually, the designer begins by creating a simple design to be displayed on a small smartphone display. Then, from there, the designer can begin working his way toward larger screen resolutions until the design will look good on the largest screens. One of the key aspects of responsive design is that if you resize your browser, the site will also resize. This makes it an excellent tool for taking notes and doing web browsing side-by-side with other work. If the person doesn’t have JavaScript enabled, a non-JavaScript version is served instead. Typography and website design

Benefits Of Hiring A WordPress Designer

Over the years, blogging has become a popular way for people to share information with the world. There are many different kinds of blogs and a great number of people who write them. One of the attractions to blogging is that you do not have to have any special training in order to create and maintain a blog, and you are free to write about whatever you want. Many people have personal blogs, and many businesses have blogs as well. Anyone can write a blog, but in order to make yours really stand out you might want to consider hiring a WordPress designer. There are millions of blogs online today. WordPress is an open source tool that bloggers can use to create and manage their content. It contains a plethora of features, including many plug-ins and a system for creating templates. Anyone who knows how to use it can do so without charge, but it can be confusing for people who are just starting out. If you do not wish to learn the system or you simply do not have enough time, it can be worthwhile to hire a designer to help you get the most out of your site. What is WordPress? WordPress software is one of the most popular blogging tools around. It allows you to have a website and a blog at the same time, if you choose. No matter what kind of business you're in, when you have a website the goal is to get as many people as you can to visit. Using this content management system allows you to easily manage and update your site, thus making it a more enjoyable place for viewers to spend their time. If

Why Small Businesses Need a Website

Small Business Web Design Northern Ireland | Why is it important for a small business to be online? The internet has become one of the main and most important sources for marketing and staying connected with consumers. Therefore in todays business market it is very important to develop a valuable online presence. Effective planning and research into your website design and promotion of your business online is incredibly important for achieving good online success. A large number of smaller businesses are unaware of the tremendous benefits which are provided by the creation of a good quality website which can massively boost the promotion of their products and services. A good online presence can help with the promotion of products and services and can contribute to increased profit. It can also provide a more efficient way to advertise your products and services. The result is the creation of an online system which your customers are able to visit at their leisure and thus browse through and purchase products or services. Dependent on your business type this can mean your business can take orders or at least let people get in touch with you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Meaning when you are at home relaxing customers can be buying your products or sending you their information requesting your services out of working hours. With advances in technology, more individuals and business owners are conducting their business over the internet and likewise more consumers and purchasing products or services over the internet. More recently this includes the use of web enabled hand-held devices which may be transported virtually anywhere and accessed at any time, so that people are browsing and buying online while on the

What to know about Responsive Web Design & its benefits

What is Responsive Web Design? Responsive web design is a site development procedure that is based on the responding behaviors of the various website users. The factors considered by the procedure include the screen size, user orientation, environment, and the platform used for the site development. You can choose from several flexible layouts and grids combined with using CSS media queries and images. The diagram above shows 3 different screen layouts for devices you may use to browse the internet. The first one is a desktop computer, the second a tablet computer such as an iPad and the third a hand held device such as a mobile phone or iPhone. Screen sizes, shapes, resolutions and orientation With the development in technology, a larger number of intricate and intelligent devices are manufactured. All the different gadgets have their specific shapes, sizes, and screen resolutions. As more people choose these various devices to browse the Internet, webmasters across the world have to deal with the problems created by this usage. Hence, more number of designers is now adopting this new technique while designing the sites to ensure users can visit the site and acquire the necessary information from any type of Internet-enabled device. When your site is designed with this procedure; the appearance of your website changes in accordance to the device used by the user. Therefore, webmasters do not have to design and develop different sites for the various types of gadgets used for Internet browsing. These basic components need to be considered while you are designing your website following this method. To verify if the site is designed for responsiveness, you need to check that the same content is visible on the screen irrespective of

By |January 23rd, 2012|Categories: Articles, Responsive Web Design, web design, website design|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on What to know about Responsive Web Design & its benefits

Search Engine Optimisation – SEO Services Derry

SEO Services Derry - Website Search Engine Optimisation Points One Should Know About Website SEO Services Online business owners must be aware of the fact that increased website traffic means an upsurge in the profit margin of the business. Therefore, there must be mechanisms put in place to attract traffic to the site at all times. A number of avenues on how to achieve this exist. One of them is through the use of website SEO services. In its attempt to clarify what this is all about, the information below elucidates on different types or tricks of website SEO services one should know. Keyword and Market Research The first one is the keyword and market research services. The systems allows for an extensive market research services capable of boosting the sales. Since the keywords are coined to suit a specific segment of the market, it allows for easy and quick search making the site more efficient. Link Building Services The other type is the link building services. It is vital to understand that without a well established link, the site cannot run properly since it is the engine with which the site is run. As you build such links, ensure that they are many enough to cater for your growing population of clients. It also enables them to access the site very easily and speedily.     Video Marketing Proper video marketing is also one way of getting SEO services Derry. The logic behind it is the scientific prove that audio-visual content is more appealing and tend to attract many people. Channels like You Tube today attract many people. You can create a blog or post your videos there for enhanced viewing by your clients.

Graphic Design Northern Ireland

A Graphic Design Northern Ireland should catch your eye right away with his own logo or web site. Since it is his job to grab attention for customer sites, he should be able to do so for his own design company. If this is the case, you could be on the trail of a professional who can do something for you. Several professionals advertising on-line boast a wide array of services. Their skills must be flexible enough to handle various media. This involves a measure of high-tech progress with old-fashioned forms that still work. Skilled individuals in the field will tackle your print advertising requirements. They create brand designs, logos, draw illustrations and take photos. These end-up in newsletters, newspapers, magazines, brochures, leaflets and signs across Northern Ireland, the UK, even the world. Your job may be something as big as a national catalogue or the small work, such as creating business cards and letter heads. All of these form an important part of how a business gets its name out, meaning promotion for creator and client at the same time, therefore benefitting both the clients company and the Graphic Designer Northern Ireland. Then there are the internet sources. Most companies today must have a presence on the worldwide web. Print matters too, as noted above, but from the web a company or charitable organisation will be seen all over personal computers and the social network. Ask about creating a website and/or website SEO. Find out about one-off or big, multi-media promotional campaigns. One way to decide between graphic designers is to look carefully over their on-line resumes. Most will post a selection of jobs you can see without too much trouble, or may have already

Freelance Web Designer Northern Ireland

If you know how to design web sites, you should consider becoming a freelance web designer. Web designers who decide to become freelancers have the flexibility of working from home, so no matter where you live you work freelance whether it be England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland or anywhere in the world. They have their own business that they can do during their spare time. They may even choose to freelance full time. Large and small businesses all desire to have a beautifully designed web site that will encourage present and potential customers to visit their home on the Internet. An attractive, informative web site can bring in more business and increase a company's profit. Instead of working for someone else, a freelance web designer is able to set his or her own hours. Freelancers do not have to worry about long commutes to an office or answering to a boss. They can even work while they wear their pyjamas. In short, freelancers are their own bosses. Their success depends on themselves. If you want to become a freelance web designer, but do not know how to create web sites, you can always take classes in this particular field. Some people take adult education courses in order to learn how to build web sites. These courses can be found at community colleges or public schools. Other people may choose to enrol in a community or business college and take classes there. Still others may choose to learn on their own. They may check a book out from the library that will teach them how to design. They may even buy software tutorials or find a website that teaches them how to do this particular type

By |January 3rd, 2012|Categories: Articles, web design, website design|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Freelance Web Designer Northern Ireland